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December 2024 
ProVisions Wrapped

Table of Contents

About Our Issue

Checking Off Our List

Some years feel bigger than others, and while I can only speak from personal experience, 2024 was certainly a year filled to the brim. Just focusing in on our corner of the professional world, the MPL industry has seen tort reform, legislative changes, mergers, financial turns, and the like hitting every corner of the industry. We had our work cut out for us, and now that we are coming to the end of the year, there is much to be celebrated. Leaders from across our MPL division will share highlights throughout this issue. 

On a personal note, I wanted to once again take advantage of the theme of this issue to say thank you to the many people who work behind the scenes who create this magazine each and every month. 

I would, of course, start with thanks to you, our agency partners, for your regular feedback and communication so we can focus our efforts where they would achieve the greatest results. 

And of course, thanks to our MPL leadership who is so often sharing that feedback, agreeing to interviews, and passing along reports and resources for their teams as part of our content process. In particular I will call out Steve Dapkus, SVP, Marketing & Risk Management, who manages the teams and oversees production from an executive standpoint. 

I will also call out Mace Horoff of Medical Sales Training and Aaron Hamming, Director, Risk Management Data Analytics and Technology, who provide ongoing monthly columns. The Risk Management department also goes above and beyond in assisting with research and content production for many of our issues. 

Next we have the Communications team who takes on compiling, writing, and editing all of the content each month. 

  • Kristen Hensley, Communications Supervisor 
  • Scott Spinola, Senior Communications Coordinator
  • Emily Aysse, Communications Specialist
  • Kaelin O'Reilly, Communications Specialist

From there, content travels to the Digital Marketing team who puts together the online version of each issue and sends it out to our audience. 

  • Andrew Segura, Digital Marketing Supervisor 
  • Bethany Kurzynowski, Digital Marketing Specialist 
  • Christa Jennings, Marketing Intern

Our teams work closely with the Creative Services team who creates all the graphics and manages the print version of each of our issues. 

  • Erica Hess, Manager, Creative Services 
  • Kat McPeak, Creative Services Coordinator 
  • Erik Seelman, Graphic Design Specialist

And finally, no project from our teams can be completed without assistance from our Compliance/Legal team. 

  • Katie Neville, Chief Compliance Officer 
  • Andrea Koehler, Senior Legal Counsel

True to form, the team is already hard at work on our 2025 editorial calendar—producing multiple issues simultaneously as we go. I cannot wait for you to see what we have planned. And, as always, please feel encouraged to send your content requests our way.  



2024 in Review

2024 in Review

As we close 2024, I would characterize our market as consistent. Trends affecting healthcare continue with entity ownership growing, and the small group practice of medicine fading away. Even when we think a physician group is independent, they are more often owned by a hospital, trust, or private equity group. 

Growth in the corporate organization of medicine increases the need for Specialty solutions for insuring those entities. ProAssurance is excellently positioned to deliver those solutions offering coverage across the full spectrum of healthcare practice. Perhaps naturally, many traditional MPL carriers want a part of that business as they see their bases erode. The same mistakes made with initial expansion of the MPL carriers in the 1990s are occurring today. They simply don’t appreciate the real risks being assumed. 

Within our core markets competition remains fierce, though we have observed single-digit rate increases in many more venues in 2024. Margins are small, and we expect industry combined ratios to continue above 100% once 2024 results are tallied. 

We are very pleased with the progress we have made in achieving our goals and particularly in the work we have done to be your Carrier of Choice. As you read this note, you will have access to a completely redesigned and improved web portal. Your ability to self-serve will be dramatically enhanced. Your online requests can often be instantly fulfilled, and if further approvals are needed, the status of each will be easily followed. While these and other enhancements are important, this new platform will serve as the foundation for full automation for most Standard accounts. Pilot programs are under way now that will lead to those solutions. 

While we continue to innovate in the areas of underwriting and service, Claims and Risk Management are not left out. No posting today would be complete without some mention of AI. In addition to the AI technology that will be embedded in our automation efforts, we are developing AI-based tools that will further enhance our industry-leading claims handling. These tools will also allow us to use the information produced to develop new risk management data for focused communication to our customers. 

The evolution of the markets we serve isn’t slowing. As your Carrier of Choice, we must change along with our customers, continually improve our service quality, and increase the speed of delivery even as we maintain the core of what has made ProAssurance a leader. 



Underwriting Challenges

The medical liability insurance market has evolved in 2024. The market is neither a hard nor soft market. It can be best described as lumpy. There is still ample capacity across most healthcare sectors, with admitted physicians, senior care, and miscellaneous medical generally the most competitive. Yet, even within the individual segments, there are areas or classes that are much less competitive. The below summarizes our general assessment of each of the individual market segments.


The market is still competitive across most specialties and states. However, there are concerning severity trends in several states—even beyond those typically considered “judicial hellholes”—and this has resulted in meaningfully higher rate increases on average than what we saw in 2023. Additionally, specialties like radiology, emergency medicine, and ob-gyn are challenging for most MPL carriers, and these classes are experiencing double-digit rate increases. 


Hospital accounts vary greatly in size and venue. For the most part, however, rate increases and term tightening are commonplace. For the larger systems, retentions and rates are increasing more significantly relative to smaller or single-state hospital systems. Almost all carriers are now being much more disciplined about excess limits deployment, with many now capping their support at no more than $5,000,000 in limit. Additionally, we may be seeing some early signs that underwriters are looking to exclude or sub-limit sexual abuse/misconduct exposures.

Senior Care

A sector that was showing strong signs of a hardening market at the early stage of the COVID-19 pandemic, senior care’s rate trajectory has since flattened or even softened. Capacity is plentiful and competition is fierce from both established players and new entrants in a very price-driven area of the market. The few exiting players have left behind undesirable books that need to be carefully selected from by the next insurer. 

Commercial carriers, MPL companies, and managing general underwriters are all fighting for new business while the long-term trend of a declining number of senior care facilities in the country continues. We are cognizant of both financial and staffing challenges along with severity potential in senior care. Our focus continues to be primary limits for middle market insureds, avoiding large chains with excessive limits or deductible credit risk. 

Miscellaneous Medical

Both commercial carriers and MPL specialists like the miscellaneous medical space. This favorable market attitude is due to (1) the overall growth of miscellaneous medical relative to total available MPL, and (2) the view that most of the miscellaneous medical space is less volatile than other healthcare sectors. However, by its very definition, miscellaneous medical is varied and anything but homogeneous. Thus, there are some classes that could be classified as being in a hard or hardening market. For example, underwriters are taking a more disciplined approach to behavioral health, home health, and nurse staffing. Conversely, there are very few insurers willing to provide traditional risk transfer for correctional healthcare operations.  

Like senior care, the market for miscellaneous medical accounts with property or auto liability exposure is susceptible to market fluctuations. The reasons go beyond professional or general liability loss trends due to package or admitted players reacting to property or auto losses. For both miscellaneous medical and senior care, service and turnaround times continue to be as important as price and terms. 

Private Equity in Healthcare

While only 4%-5% (on revenue basis) of the entire healthcare space is backed by private equity (PE), there are several sectors—namely physicians and miscellaneous medical—in which PE involvement is significant. In the physicians’ and providers’ space, there has been meaningful PE investment in emergency medicine, dermatology, dentistry, reproductive and fertility health, and oncology. 

On the miscellaneous medical side, large PE investments have been made in clinics, staffing, home healthcare, and ambulatory surgery centers. 

The typical private equity model is about generating higher utilization and lower cost. This often yields a challenging dynamic, transforming otherwise good risks into unwieldy, unattractive insureds out of line with longer term objectives.  


Every MPL market cycle is unique. We should not believe that history will repeat itself. The current market cycle is neither hard nor soft. While there is ample competition in the broader MPL space, there are pockets and classes that are firm to hardening. 

We believe agents and brokers specializing in medical liability value the breadth of our appetite and product offering across nearly all sectors of healthcare. Our new business submission pipeline has been robust, and, from this vantage point, we clearly see that our competition is experiencing severity trends in both expected and unexpected venues. 




MPL Claims Challenges and Achievements

ProAssurance’s MPL division experienced opportunities and challenges in 2024, which are projected to continue into 2025. The market was subjected to economic and social inflation as well as highly publicized, aberrant verdicts. The retirement of seasoned trial attorneys, often replaced by less experienced counsel, left its mark on defense firms.  

The growth of private equity and consolidation in nearly every sector of healthcare also casts uncertainty over the future of care and physician autonomy. Adding to these challenges is the prevalence of cyberattacks, with their potential impact on the timeliness and quality of care and on increasing exposure to claims.  

In 2024, Claims achieved noteworthy accomplishments, which included: 

  • ProAssurance and NORCAL legacy file integration into the Claims Workspace (CWS) platform. 
  • Claim management resulting in trial and appellate victories, paid indemnity and allocated loss adjustment expenses (ALAE) management, and use of high-low agreements and Find Liability Early (FLE) cases. 
  • Uniform tracking of NORCAL and ProAssurance claim statistics and improvement of performance monitoring. 
  • Datalytics implementation enabling identification of effective and efficient defense counsel.
  • Implementation of defense counsel regional meetings.
  • Education and training of claims staff on policy language, which enhanced the team member knowledge base.
  • Implementation of National and Regional Claim Review Committees (CRC) to identify defensible medicine. 
  • Training programs focused on improving team member skills and knowledge.
  • Preferred vendor agreements assisting in managing ALAE. 
  • Collaboration and communication with Underwriting, Business Development, Risk Management, and BOLT, and bolstered efforts toward Carrier of Choice and Employer of Choice goals.
  • Service recognitions.
  • Participation in regional and national preferred agent and broker meetings. 




A Year of Progress for Business Development

As Business Development continues progress on making ProAssurance your clear Carrier of Choice, the need to achieve adequate premium rates has also been critical. The balance of being a Carrier of Choice and navigating the current claims environment has been challenging, and our Elite and Legacy Partners have been key to helping us achieve that balance. As relayed in the third-quarter earnings report, ProAssurance MPL achieved premium increases of 13%. Elite and Legacy Partners’ skill and expertise presenting the realities of the current environment alongside the value of being a ProAssurance insured significantly contributed to that success. 

While working with our partners to help them deliver that difficult message, we have also continued our progress on initiatives to improve the ease of doing business with us. Based largely on feedback from our Advisory Councils, we focused on three projects in 2024 to improve responsiveness, consistency, and your customer experience. 

Reflecting on 2024 Projects 

With the publication of ProAssurance’s service standards in 2023, we wanted to be transparent about what our partners can expect from us. Building on that foundation, we are introducing our Global Service Agreement, a document that further expands on our service standards, providing you with a clear explanation of the best way to conduct business with ProAssurance. This will create a more efficient and speedy process.  

Our Submission Consistency project will produce clear and specific guidelines on necessary information and how that information should be formatted to produce efficient turnaround on your submissions. This information will be unique to each underwriting unit. 

The Healthcare Team Educational Tools is the foundation for a broader program that will provide you with resources to help educate new members to your team or existing members who need a refresher. This program will be rapidly expanded until you can depend on it to help you get your healthcare team members up to speed.  

ProAssurance Automation 

Automation will allow us to be more efficient and free up resources to focus on opportunities that require more effort and creativity. At the time of this publication, we will be launching our first automated quote-to-bind system. There will be two classes of businesses written through it initially: general dentistry and the MDVIP (concierge medicine program). As we move into 2025 and beyond, we will be adding products and classes of business to this system until the majority of policies can be written automatically, freeing your team’s time and resources. 

We are excited for what the future holds at ProAssurance, and as we work to become a Carrier of Choice, we look forward to our deepening partnership with you. The Business Development team wishes you a happy holiday and a wonderful New Year! 




Risk Management: Team Developments and Achievements

Risk Management has been busy in 2024 following some major staff changes, including retirements at the beginning of the year. Mallory Earley was promoted to Director of Risk Management, leading ProAssurance’s five regional Risk Management teams, as well as the ACCME program. Bradley Byrne accepted the Southeast Regional Manager position, and Wendy Alderman made the move to her home state of Florida to serve the Southeast region as Senior Risk Management Consultant. 

There were additional RM promotions, including:

  • Barbara Hunyady – Midwest Regional Manager

  • Barb Linder – Midwest Senior Risk Management Consultant

  • Gerryann Whalen – Northeast Senior Risk Management Consultant 

The Risk team developed several new offerings this year and continued as always to provide valuable educational tools and training for both our insureds and agency partners. 

Top Achievements 

Launch of ABSA 

The Annual Baseline Self-Assessment (ABSA) was launched in January, serving as an alternate option for potential policy discounts. Although educational offerings such as the Loss Prevention Seminar (LPS) are still available currently, the long-term vision is for the ABSA to be the sole means to obtain a policy discount in the years to come. The tool will be a yearly touchpoint to identify and improve areas of potential risk within medical practices and protocols. Healthcare teams including physicians and even agency partners and underwriters can initiate the request to complete the ABSA.  

This launch solidified our commitment to helping insureds while collecting data to better identify gaps and manage risk, providing additional educational opportunities tailored to each practice’s unique needs. Establishing process workflows and incorporating specialty-specific questions ensure an efficient and applicable assessment for a wide range of policyholders. 

Risk Management has received over 3,000 individual responses to date in 2024 and is using that initial data to plan and implement actionable items to proactively assist insureds.  

Website: Accessibility and Content 

One of the best improvements in 2024 for Risk Management was the revamp of the website, This renovation was put in place to improve accessibility to content. The new format and accompanying ease of use allow customers, policyholders, and agency partners to better access risk management resources and identify applicable, helpful materials with just the click of a button.  

The site also has improved efficiencies, displaying bundled materials to help users find related content on specific topics. New releases of Malpractice Case Studies, online seminars, “2 Minutes: What’s the Risk” videos, Claims Rx issues, and other materials are regularly added to expand risk management offerings to include emerging risks.  

One additional educational service that is new in 2024 is the Risk Management podcast, Rapid Risk Review (RRR), which fulfills the need for quick and easy education provided in a popular format. This inaugural podcast currently has six episodes and can be accessed here. This resource will continue to grow and develop as we move into 2025, covering hot topics with both Risk Management staff and featured guests. 

Measurable Customer Service 

This year Risk Management made measurable customer service a top priority. Using the Risk Management Helpline and general email inbox, the team collected insightful data on the type of inquiries received as well as the speed at which the team helps customers. With nearly all calls and emails answered within 24 hours, the Helpline is prominently featured on the new website to remind agents and customers alike that the Risk team is available Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. local time to answer their questions via phone or email.   

These highlighted achievements solidify our commitment to better serving our agency partners and insureds by evaluating our educational offerings, improving access to our resources, and creating new ways to assist our customers. Utilizing our staff’s unique backgrounds and talents ensures future success, and we look forward to serving our customers in 2025. 




Wrapped Up: 2024 Marketing and Communications

As a support department for our front office departments and you, our distribution partners, I am aware that Marketing and Communications is a cost center, and therefore we must push ourselves to show value. Looking back on 2024, we demonstrated that value by meeting our operational commitments and delivering signature projects that we can expand on in 2025 and beyond.   

What Are Marketing’s Regular Operation Commitments? 

You are reading the last of 12 monthly issues of ProVisions produced in 2024. This is at least the tenth consecutive year of delivering our monthly magazine for our agency partners with no skips and no late releases. On one hand, it can seem trivial to take a victory lap for simply meeting 12 deadlines. On the other hand, we work with dozens of associations and other organizations that miss their marks as a matter of routine.  

This publication is part of the ProAssurance value proposition. We want our trading partners to be equipped with both industry and Company insights that are gained through the confidence of prospective clients at the point of sale. It is our understanding that no other MPL carrier produces a piece similar to ProVisions. We hope you find value in it, and we are always open to your advice or ideas about themes of interest in future issues.   

What Was New in 2024? 

This year concluded a multiyear innovation of our public websites, which began in 2023 with the deployment of The overall project objective was to focus our root domain,, on the medical malpractice line of business rather than on ProAssurance Group, a family of specialty liability insurance companies and branded programs. The group site,, was launched in 2023 enabling to focus on medical malpractice insurance. This project was completed in August 2024: It included a site redesign, a new streamlined information architecture, and a switch to a new underlying technology that produces better analytics. Along the way the Digital team also delivered a site dedicated to Risk Management: The Digital team launched all our public-facing program sites such as those for Certitude and the Ob-Gyn Risk Alliance programs on the new technology platforms.   

With the platform work done, we are now shifting to a long list of content and feature enhancements geared toward delivering more value with less friction to you and your clients. We will keep you updated here in ProVisions throughout 2025 with news of new features and content.  

We  also included a continuation of the successful customer appreciation and retention campaign featuring Dr. Siddhartha Mukherjee’s The Laws of Medicine in 2024. While our Risk Management Data Analytics team is constantly reminding us that “correlation is not causation,” we find that customers who respond to our book offer renew at higher rates than those who do not. Along with data that supports a positive relationship between the retention campaign and renewal rates, we found that the campaign is popular among our insureds. We will not be able to calculate the retention lift until 2024 is over, but this year’s response rate will exceed 20%. Because claims severity is the dominant trend, our 2025 campaign offer will be When Good Doctors Get Sued by Angela M. Dodge, PhD, with Steven F. Fitzer, JD. We will tell you all about it in the January 2025 ProVisions.  

Marketing is closely aligned with our Risk Management department, working hand-in-hand to produce and distribute thought-leading content and differentiated services. Support for the Annual Baseline Self-Assessment (ABSA) rollout was a major area of focus in Marketing and Communications. As the ABSA will eventually become more prevalent than CME-bearing education as the way customers earn the Risk Management discount, this will remain an area of focus for the Communications team in 2025. In addition to explaining the change to insureds and agency partners, we are pushing to use the data to tell Risk Management’s story and demonstrate value to our insureds.   

At Their Core, Who Is Marketing? 

From designing awards to proofing PowerPoint slide decks, many of the projects Marketing touches are in support of the accomplishments others will report to you in this issue of ProVisions. If we helped the Company look good out in the field and moved us closer to being your Carrier of Choice, then we are accomplishing our mission. If there is anything we can do better though, we’ve got room on our New Year’s Resolution list, so please let us know! Thanks for a terrific 2024. Happy holidays and see you in 2025!  

Steve Dapkus w text



ProVisions Wrapped

Another year of ProVisions has come to a close. Let’s take a look at the highlights. 

  • Approximately 675 people visited our agent website, and 34% of that traffic was new users. Welcome!
  • The average visitor reads 2.5 pages, spending around 11:15 minutes on each page. 
  • Most users come straight to the agent site, though 7% head there after browsing our Risk Management site.
  • 17% of visitors wound up heading to the Risk Management site to browse the sample form library after visiting the agent site. Here’s an easy link if that’s useful for you.
  • The latest issue of ProVisions receives the most traffic each month, with our state profile library, the main ProVisions library, and regional councils following. 
ProVisions in 2024
Our Most Popular Issue

July 2024 – The State of MPL 

Our annual report-style update we released mid-year received more traffic than any other issue. We’ll continue this format in 2025. 

The Runner Up

November 2024 – Leadership Elite 

Our summary of the annual agents’ meeting in Colorado Springs was a close second for traffic this year. 

Other High Points

January 2024 – Annual Baseline Self-Assessment 

We kicked off the year with the launch of the Annual Baseline Self-Assessment—our new primary vehicle for earning risk management premium credit. 

February 2024 – AI 

AI has certainly been the buzzword of the year. We took a look at its early impacts on the industry in February.  

May 2024 – Comorbidities  

Our May issue provided insight on key areas where the increased prevalence of comorbidities is impacting the MPL environment. 

Our Educational Pieces

October 2024 – Tales From the Helpline 

Our October issue shared the impact of our Risk Management Helpline—the frontline resource that connects our subject matter experts with our insureds and agents. 

September 2024 – The Difference 

Our annual issue compared and contrasted key industry terms in an educational format for distribution to your new hires and clients.

Our Experimental Issues

March 2024 – Health Tech Hazards 

In March we covered ECRI’s list of top tech hazards impacting the healthcare industry and paired them with our own educational and prevention resources. 

June 2024 – MPL Around the World 

Our June issue shared research and insights from our internal project group that looked at different MPL markets worldwide. 

April 2024 – Opioid Prescribing 

Managing opioid medications continues to be a challenge for healthcare providers and within MPL. Our April issue summarized the current state of pain management. 

August 2024 – Cybersecurity 

Cyber incidents are on the rise. In August we collected our own resources as well as industry stats on how to keep your business safe. 

Jan 2024 Cover

ProAssurance Next-Gen Portal Access

We’re excited to provide our current portal users access to the beta release of our next-generation (next-gen) ProAssurance online account portal. This portal product release represents an important foundational step toward offering intelligent automation, self-service, and innovative digital experiences to our partners and customers. We’re proud to extend this invitation to you and your team prior to our broader, full product release to all policyholders and insureds on Monday, January 13, 2025. 

A Few Important Notes 

  • The beta release of our new portal will be available as a separate, alternative option to our current legacy ProAssurance portal linked from the ProAssurance websites. The two portals will remain synced behind the scenes, meaning changes and work in one will be synchronized with the other. This affords you the opportunity to try the next-gen portal and still visit the existing portal if you run across any issues.
  • The current ProAssurance portal will remain fully available, linked from, until Monday, January 13, 2025. At that point, it will be decommissioned, and our next-gen portal will become the default solution.
  • This beta release is only available to your agency’s currently registered ProAssurance portal usersdefined as those who have an existing login and have accessed ProAssurance’s legacy portal within the last two years.
  • This next-gen portal is not available to new agency registrants, or your clients/insureds, until Monday,  January 13, 2025.
  • You and your team will use the exact same login credentials to access this next-gen version as you currently use on our existing ProAssurance portal. 

Those included in the beta test received additional instructions for accessing the next-gen portal. If you have questions that were not covered in those instructions, or you need an additional copy, don’t hesitate to contact your ProAssurance Business Development partner, or our portal support team at 

We appreciate your partnership and look forward to hearing feedback around our new ProAssurance portal. We will continue to share updates as we move closer to our January launch. 

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Hospitals Are Seeing Fewer Infections, Leapfrog Group says

Hospitals and health systems are making important strides in patient safety, according to The Leapfrog Group. 

The organization released its Fall 2024 Hospital Safety Grades, and there’s undeniable good news for hospitals, and the patients relying on them. Hospitals saw a significant drop in infections and made gains in reducing medication errors, the report says. 

In fact, hospitals are now faring better in patient safety metrics than before the COVID-19 pandemic, says Katie Stewart, Director of Health Care Ratings for the Leapfrog Group. The Leapfrog Group, a nonprofit organization focused on patient safety, examined nearly 3,000 hospitals in its latest report. The group releases safety grades twice a year. (Chief Healthcare Executive)

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PwC: Dealmaking Activity in Healthcare Shows Stability in Early 2024

Despite major headwinds that still buffet the industry, deal volumes so far this year are largely consistent with those seen in 2023 and remain above pre-COVID levels, according to a new report. 

Through April 30, deal volumes were down by about 4% from 2023, according to analysts at PwC. The researchers said many dealmakers in the market have adapted to challenges like interest rates and related effects, and that backdrop, along with a significant amount of available capital, should “continue to bolster deal activity throughout 2024.” (Fierce Healthcare)

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“People Who’ve Gone to Medical School Are Not Practicing Medicine”

Getting more physicians to work with more patients could be a way to soften the nation’s projected shortage of doctors in the next decade. 

Physicians, policymakers and patients all have been pondering how physician workforce trends will affect the nation’s health care system – and medical outcomes for people seeking healing, treatments, and cures. Projections by the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) have made headlines trumpeting the need for more of doctors. (Medical Economics)

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Highest-paid Specialties for Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants

A 2024 survey conducted by consulting firm SullivanCotter highlights the variation in compensation for physician assistants and nurse practitioners. 

The consulting firm's “2024 Advanced Practice Provider Compensation and Productivity Survey Report” is based on data from nearly 850 health systems, hospitals and physician group practices representing more than 134,000 individual advanced practice providers and over 4,700 APP leaders. (Becker’s Hospital Review)

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Changing the Focus of Claims, Data When Talking About Nuclear Verdicts

The topic of nuclear verdicts took center stage at this year’s Target Markets Annual Summit in Scottsdale, Arizona, where a panel of carriers and reinsurers discussed rising settlement costs amidst an uncertain litigation environment. 

Panelists representing Lloyd’s, Markel, MunichRe and TransRe shared how the insurance industry can combat social inflation through early identification of potentially severe claims and working together to share settlement data. 

Nuclear verdicts, which are defined by the industry as a verdict of at least $10 million, reached an all-time high in 2023 with a median average value of $44 million, according to a report by Marathon Strategies. While the overall frequency of nuclear verdicts hasn’t risen dramatically, panelists said, the severity of bad claims has, catching insurers off-guard. (Insurance Journal)

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Ties that Bind updated Banner

Celebrating One of the Unsung Heroes of Healthcare: You


I'm binge-watching Everwood, one of my favorite all-time TV series, for the second time. In one episode, Dr. Abbott, a small-town doctor, faces a crisis when his malpractice insurance gets suspended after it's revealed that his sister, also a doctor in the practice, is HIV-positive. Dr. Abbott's response? "You're suspending my insurance? I won't be able to practice." 

Now, you probably don't quote early-2000s television shows during client meetings, but even avid TV watchers know that practicing medicine is risky without MPL coverage—the right MPL coverage. And that's where you come in—the professional who has those tricky and sometimes awkward conversations with HCPs to provide your clients with the one thing they would rather not think about but undeniably need. 

Selling Malpractice Insurance: Like Selling A Spare Tire? 

Let's face it—MPL insurance isn't exactly a conversation starter for most people. Just its mention can wipe the smile from a healthcare provider's face. It's an essential, like a spare tire, that people don't think about until they need it. And when they do, they really need it (and wish they checked the air in the spare!). 

Yet you do the job, engaging with physicians and medical facilities all year to serve them even when they resist. And while they may not thank you for it now, they could find themself extremely grateful later—when it really counts. 

It's a Thankless Job. Until It Isn't 

Medical practices aren't high-fiving MPL agents when they walk in. You're just another interruption to their busy day (unless they called you). But you show up, not just because it's your job, but because it's best for your prospects and clients, even if they don't realize it—yet. 

Though I sold medical devices, the situation is all too familiar to anyone who sells something essential but easy to dismiss. I once spent years trying to connect with Dr. D., a surgeon who barely acknowledged my existence. Then, one day, as he performed a total hip replacement, he fractured the upper part of a young patient's femur into several pieces. I was working with another surgeon in an adjacent OR. The nurse from Dr. D.'s room rushed in, asking if they had a wire set to hold the fracture together. Guess who had the perfect product in his car? In fact, the exact one Dr. D. had previously dismissed as "overkill." 

I said, "Tell Dr. D. I can help him if he’ll let me." 

A minute later, Dr. D. welcomed me into his OR like we were old friends. I walked him through applying a specialized plate designed for this complication. It salvaged the joint replacement (and probably saved the doctor from needing to call his MPL agent!). Did he warm up to me after that? Not really. But it gave me a great story and a mission mindset to help other surgeons be prepared for worst-case scenarios. You can only help those who let you, but you don't give up when the stakes are high.

Raise a Glass – You've Earned It 

Getting HCPs to discuss an essential topic they'd rather ignore is challenging. Yet you do that day in and day out, and even hearing the often repeated phrase "I'm happy with my current provider" doesn't deter you. 

Congratulations on completing another successful year, and thank you for allowing me to share my thoughts with you here in ProVisions. I hope you'll make time during the holidays to recharge and celebrate with family and friends—you've earned it! And get ready to make your impact again in 2025. 




Written by Mace Horoff of Medical Sales Performance.

Mace Horoff is a representative of Sales Pilot. He helps sales teams and individual representatives who sell medical devices, pharmaceuticals, biotechnology, healthcare services, and other healthcare-related products to sell more and earn more by employing a specialized healthcare system.

Have a topic you’d like to see covered? Email your suggestions to


InvoiceCloud Reminder

On January 13, 2025, ProAssurance will be decommissioning our existing Electronic Payment Processing (EPP) solution and transitioning to InvoiceCloud, a leading provider of digital, online payment processing. 

For current EPP users, no action is required at this time. Starting January 13, 2025, you will have until May 1, 2025, to transition any auto-payments from ProAssurance EPP to InvoiceCloud.The process is fast and easy, and simple instructions will be provided in the upcoming weeks. 

With this change, you will be able to: 

  • Make online payments 24/7 via or by phone
  • Pay via credit card or PayPal, in addition to previous standard payment options
  • Receive statement reminders and payment confirmations via email
  • Set up autopay for future invoice installments (Required by May 1, 2025, for current EPP users) 

Additionally, after January 13, 2025, you will be able to make one-time payments online without ProAssurance portal login or registration using only your policy number and invoice number. This new one-time payment option can be used for both premium payments and tail payments. 

Until January 13, 2025, you can continue to manage your payments and access your billing statements via the ProAssurance portal. Sign in at and then select the Payments menu option. 

We appreciate the opportunity to serve you. Additional information and instruction will be communicated in the upcoming weeks, and throughout this transition. If you have any questions, please email us at or call 800-282-6242.  

ProAssurance Transition to InvoiceCloud FAQ 
What is InvoiceCloud?

InvoiceCloud is a web-based, electronic payment processing company that ProAssurance has partnered with to provide faster, more convenient billing services to our customers. By automating billing, customers can pay online 24/7. InvoiceCloud will be accessible through our updated portal as a single sign-on (SSO) service, you will not need to register separately or create a separate login for this website. 

How will I access my InvoiceCloud profile?

InvoiceCloud will be accessed through your ProAssurance portal as an SSO service. Once you select the pay option in your ProAssurance portal it will automatically route you to your InvoiceCloud profile with multiple convenient payment options available. 

Will I now be able to pay with a credit card?

Yes! We are excited to offer payment options for paying with Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover as well as PayPal. Credit cards will be a self-service option to pay online, through our automated IVR (Interactive Voice Response) phone payment system, as well as a one-time payment site. All prior options of payment are available as well. 

Are there additional fees with InvoiceCloud?

Yes, using credit cards or PayPal does incur a fee of 2.95%. This is a non-refundable fee added to an invoice payment using these payment methods to cover various administrative costs associated with billing and accepting payment through InvoiceCloud. Making an ACH payment does not incur this fee. 

Can I still use the ProAssurance Electronic Payment Processing (EPP) form to set up my autopay option? 

No, this option is now self-service through our portal and accessing your InvoiceCloud profile. We will no longer accept ProAssurance EPP forms effective January 13, 2025. 

Will my current EPP auto-pay setup be migrated to the new online payment system?  No. To provide the highest level of security and safety of your payment information, ProAssurance has opted not to migrate any current automatic payment processing information. If you do not re-enroll in automatic payments with InvoiceCloud, your billing statement will no longer be paid automatically after May 1, 2025. Specific details on how to make this change will be communicated to all current EPP customers in the coming weeks. 
Can I pay for my tail coverage online? Yes! We now have the option for insureds to pay their tail coverage online without portal registration. This payment is made through our one-time pay site, outside of our ProAssurance portal. More communication to follow. 
Can I update my contact information in my InvoiceCloud profile? Yes, however, changes made in your InvoiceCloud profile will not translate into changes for your policy/policies or account. Changes to contact information should still be submitted to ProAssurance appropriately as it has implications on other aspects of your policy/policies or account. If you need to submit policy/policies contact updates, please email these changes 

New Marketing Materials Library

Our marketing materials have been moved to the agent website for easier browsing. Visit the new site now. 

Search by category to view all the materials we have available. You can easily download digital versions of each piece right on the page or use the form at the top of the page to order a set of printed materials for your next meeting. 

Don’t see what you’re looking for? Connect with the Marketing team right from the page to submit a request for something new. 
